Sweet Serendipity

Little Monster by Cori Dantini

Striking Thought by Cori Dantini http://www.corid.etsy.com/
I am hooked on Etsy. Its day 2 for me and i've already been chosen as someone's favorite!

Not just any someone but Cori D. from the first PikaPackage. I am so happy. What was so serendipitous was the fact I opened up Etsy to see the latest picks and noticed a most stunning blue bird image , went to it and accidentally clicked on this person's favorites and saw one of my pieces...i investigated some more to find that I have this lovely artist's site in my bookmarks. And then "poof" i got lost and couldn't find the bird or how i got to her page.

Crazy wonderful weirdly perfect universe!
Thanks Cori !

xo milady (
(I also stumbled upon another new fav thanks to her) Amanda Blake, www.amandablakeart.com wow. will share next but now its bedtime