Can't you see it? Rows and rows of golden crust crops baking under the sun's rays in an endless field of homemade goodness. Or better yet, rows filled with inner city kids who, suprised by their joy as they harvest real food from it's source, are actually doing schoolwork.
The kids work the land, the crops are delivered to the city, the crops are made into pies, the kids bake and run a cafe in the hood. This is the kind of connect- the-dot learning that makes a difference. I loooooove the concept , the elements and of course, PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check out the story in this
READY MADE ARTICLE And while you're at it, sign up with Coverleaf to leaf through & clip digital magazines for free. :)
xo milady
ps anyone out there have any links or tips for creating digital collages for blogger? I would've liked to see the above pages rearranged to fill the space. thanks!