Don't you just LOVE??

Don't you just love when something you've seen before that inspires you pops up again via someone else's stuff on the web?

Don't you just love when your kids who are big continue the Santa tradition, no questions, and have successfully graduated to the understanding that real “Christmas came just the same…It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags". ... How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Don't you just love when you think of someone then the phone rings and it's them?

Don't you just love when help appears from the most unimaginable sources just when you need it?

Cartolina Consulting 's Fiona Richards

And most of all...Don't you just love when someone  you admire turns around and admires you?!

Little signs pointing me in the right direction.

I Love love LOVE that! :)

I miss you all...been busy sorting out the old and making way for the new.

WILL SEE YOU FOR TEA in Hamburg with the Queen!   :)

xo milady

amazing cut outs found via rachel

inspired by this simple shop of shauna murray.