With Great Sadness...

My dear Blossom has left the Art Farm.

2009 2 weeks old
2010 1 year

 The last photo a few days ago...after her annual shear
 Blossom and blossoms   spring 2013
that wonderful wool!
Free range friends
                                                                 Goodbye Friend
                                                                May you rest well <3 friend.="" my="" p="" sweet="">
Friends, with a great sadness I regret to inform you that Blossom has died. For all of you who have gotten to know me via my sheep, I trust that you know what a gaping hole she has left on the farm.
 She got kicked by her best friend, Magic, the white horse. She followed her everywhere, no fences needed, the pair roamed freely like elegant lawn decor.She never failed to make me smile, seeing her walk by my window, giving me friendly bleat as I rapped on the window or called out to her.Whenever I went out to feed she'd be there. When a car drove up to the house, she'd be there too. She was not your ordinary sheep. She was the incredible Lamb-dog we all (including husband) grew to love as much as I did.
Blossom was one in a million. A dream come true - a pet lamb! Although I could never replace her, I am heading to the lamb shed to see who else needs a mom.  I need it as much as they do. I've picked out a sweet little girl named Remy who I had planned to bring home as a companion for Blossom. Remy has that unusual air about her. All lamb with something else mixed in. A trusting friend. More on her soon.

Blossom is buried with our family pets around the box elder memory tree. We had to get a cowboy to come over with a big back hoe and dig a hole. I'm quite certain he was confused.

You may wonder, why a sheep? why so dramatic? Well, all i can tell you is that friends come in all shapes, color and fur.  A bond is a bond and love knows no boundaries.

 "The heart knows a hundred thousand ways to speak -Rumi