Advent December 6 BlueJay
I haven't seen him yet this year. In fact, I'm not sure IF i'll see him at all. Every year when the fall rain gives way to sleet and snow I am notified of this change by a lone bright blue bird visible from my bed out in the big bare boxwood elder outside my window. The bird always lets me know... It's gonna snow now for a long long time. His absence is ovbious and yet the snow has surely fallen Where is he? Then I remembered, the blue feathers scattered across the yard in the late fall. a wing some pale gray down It will be a miraculous treat to see you again i wait with anticipation.
Advent December 6th Blue Jay Blessing: Notice the small gifts outside your window
Advent December 7th The Buck
I have seen this magnificent scene before a lone deer crossing the river and always felt it was just for me A shaman told me once it is a powerful omen a good good blessing. The other day, as I was driving home from the grocery next town over I was blessed again To see that same river, with the setting rays kissing the icey water a dreamy far away glowing mountain range in the background with a gigantic buck and his family walking towards me in the river as if it were a road. I don't know what kind of medicine that is but it's the kind I like
Advent December 7th The Buck Blessing: See the spirit in everything. God is talking.
Advent December 8 :Wild Winter Berries
I love this time of year when all goes white, illuminating pops of holiday red berries twisted around spent limbs of summer's bloom revealing their secret life now exposed and begging for picking My all time favorite foraging ritual includes gathering these branches remember this one? how i miss the Christmas Lamb dog!
blessing: hidden jewels await their reveal
xo milady |