Busy Week Ahead!

come see what i do for fun.   color crew  is my public art project working with elementary kids.
our aim is to build community and stimulating creativity through public art projects designed and
executed by children.
this week we are making paper lanterns in whatever wild shape we can think of. our materials begin
with willow branches and recycled bits of this and that. I'll be documenting the process on the color blog
so come back to see how it all unfolds!

to end with my all time favorite quote

"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."

Pablo Picasso

Messing around

messing around with graphics
relying on these alot

what to do with what i do?

spring, my love, i am heartbroken without you

lori langille

It snowed like Christmas all day yesterday. the day before, i was wearing a t shirt and working in the garden.
it isn't unusual. it happens every year. but i think i hate it more than i care to admit.
spring is my girl.
without her i am lost.
so i got on the computer and experimented
moved stuff around and now can't get back.
it was an attempt to bloom in a blizzard.
what do you think?

 xo milady

Drawing Challenge : Blossom

Hello My Lovely Blossoms! Spring here means more snowstorms which means fickle internet. The sun has come out! So, here you go. enjoy and don't forget to smell the roses at all these lovely participants!
                              elisabeth ,patrice,ariane,citalli,woolf,rachel,fru mju,jasmin,hanna 
                                            any others? please let me know!

                                                                       elsa beskow

                                                                    jean jacques grandville

A little of me and a little of others...this week, i'm clearly enchanted by the wee folk who live in blossoms.
And don't forget my Blossom, coming up on 2 years old next month!

xo milady



 abededaire by francois huotin

 dish design for Hermes

dioscorides ancient greek medical illlustrations

hermes window display Paris

my sketchbook and beloved ink pot

 yves taralon & francois huotin in francois' atelier

Nadine, this is for you! I was intrigued too so I went on a little google adventure and found that the alphabet
was created by this wonderful man : Francois Huotin, a not so vintage frenchman. I was sure the image was from the 1800's if not earlier.  fascinating! Then, I read on to learn that he was a trained landscpape architect ( a career path I was once on)  who mostly creates fantastical garden designs in old world etched perfection.  yum!  Then, I realized that he is the artist of some beautiful dishware by Hermes I've been lusting over!  And to top it off? The picture of his atelier I had saved as my dream studio inspiration is his!  God! i love that. :) when it all clicks! ...and that was an intended pun! :)
ink, parchment, France and twisted tree limbs...a sweet stirring in my soul today.
dreaming of blossoms,

xo milady

Computer is in hospice

so sad, but not really. it means i will finally be upgrading and going back to Mac! i'm conserving her strength.
so afraid if i turn it on it'll crash and i'll lose all my files!
at least i can check email and post boring messages like this one on my daughter's macbook.
i know, that's not ok.
she has one and i don't


xo milady

Coincidence, NO?

oscar wilde

milady productions

Anonymous Works is a really fun way to find odd, beautiful things. Quick, easy, like Tumblr.
I am sooooo busy its nuts! Good busy though. Lots of exciting projects in the works, things I can't
share with you yet - but I hope the wait will be worth it!
Color Crew, my kid/public art project, is gearing up for a lantern parade in April. Commissions in the studio, changes for Milady Productions and just good green spring vibes in the valley! Saw our first new neighbor yesterday, a tiny ,wobbly black calf. :) Oh, and i'm looking for a orphaned goatie.  hee hee

Complete Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde    must get

xo milady


Hey all, doesn't this sound fun?! My friend Amy over at Pikaland has evolved her art loving blog into a mothership of inspiration and community. She has teamed with Jamie Shelman, the wonderful creator of inky kitties, and launched Pikabootcamp - an online course aimed at spurring, nudging, directing and refining us artists who stare at the big world of cyber-business like deer in the headlights.
Check it out.
I'm gonna sign up one of these days soon.

When the student is ready, the master appears. ~Buddhist Proverb

Sky Scenery - drawing challenge #3

Lilli, where for art thou?
Hello friends. Here I am in Nashville, posting a few snaps from my show. My birds flitting between heaven and earth and a landscape with delicious sky scenery. I had hoped to snap a pic from the plane but a large body was blocking my pinhole of a window.
Art shows are exhausting. I sort of forgot. Still, it's fun to meet so many people and converse. I am tired of talking about myself.
xo milady

challenge #1 paperdoll
challenge #2 home


Fraktur writing

The ice box
Hello friends, I am busy. Too busy. But it's all good busy.
I am going to a show! I got a suprise call just a little over a week ago. I said YES to Tennessee.
The box of work left last week and I will follow with a pile of small works and my daughter in tow tomorrow.
What a mess!
20 below zero in the a.m.s now. I have to wear gloves in my studio.
I will post from the road - sky scenery just may be a photo taken from a plane :)
Always inspired by this
xo milady

Thoughts for Souls

Emma Barton 1872 -1938
A year ago today, I lost a dream.  A little suprise dream.  A little boy baby named Angus.
There is a story forming, slow and secretly in pages of my sketchbook. In good time
I will share it.
Sweet Angus, I continue to feel you in the world that I paint.
"Nothing ever ends...no one can prove it." nends tumblr

God bless all the frightened souls in Australia as they batten down and await the tempest:
Cyclone Yasi  we're thinking of you

xo milady