Well, the beets, carrots, brussel sprouts, kale, chard, collards and mesculun greens are officially in the soil. Sweet peas, sugar peas and green beans too. my sights are stretching out into decorating the acreage. my goal this spring is to strategically place self sufficient plants that re-seed themselves, thrive in this mountain zone and most importantly, provide the feeling that my entire property is a fairy forest Tasha Tudor would be proud of. quite the feat at 7000ft.
The Pikapackage Project is over for this round. My package sadly didn't make it across the world in time but is slotted to go into the next one in July. part of me is kicking myself for being late and another part is grateful for the extra time to set up my Etsy Shop www.miladyproductions.etsy.com Pikaland is where i like to vacation. Its a happy shiny place indeed! I had so much fun checking out all the artists involved, this helped me visualize my own shop and approach to selling online. Thank you all creative souls!
I'm an old world kinda crafter...i am so excited by the digital possibilities and frantically seeking knowledge to educate myself in the art of computer graphics. I don't have time to go back to school!! (not to mention i live in the middle of nowhere) Thank God for the Dummies series!
On to the next cafe'! Andiamo, a la proxima cafe! a silly little saying = stay on the course.