today is the day after St Patricks day.
lastnight the boys got their green milk, ate their pickles and enjoyed a piece of homemade cheesecake with green polka dots.
i think Morgan is happy now.
just to make sure, i dyed the eggs green this morning.(i am pretty sure no one in Ireland does such ridiculous things!)
after i posted, i went to bed thinking of Irene, Ireland, my roots, my freckles, ened up watching a little tv and what was on? my favorite show destination truth! whats this? exploring the cliffs of Mohr in search of fairy folk?! now thats what i call good mindless tv.
but i fell asleep. rats.
i did however get a glimpse of the cliffs, the pubs, the people which was the perfect ending to my day.
fascinating folklore - im not a big sci-fi type person but i do love folklore!
favorite Irish-y cinema:
into the west love those little irish brothers!