The Princess

Told ya...this last week of summer is always about our county fair and rodeo. I always start the first day of school off with a fuzzy head from canned beer ie liquid gluten. Rosie was a real pro all bling-ed out on her white horse as princess. Tate won the bed roll race and my cauliflower was thrown out because of aphid infestation.
The funniest thing i saw was a single petunia in a jar with a first place ribbon on it. And i thought my watermelon hued sweet peas were so special!!!
i love every corney red neck inch of it!

From Ranch to Shining Sea

There's my girl...Pearl the wonder dog. She had so much fun chasing seagulls and playing tag with a wave skipping swallow. The swallow would coax her out to see and this little ranch dog would run straight into the surf in pursuit. I loved being there. The ginormous open space, the salty misty air. The night before we left my little son bulldozed his head across the cool soft sand then just laid there looking pensive..."i don't want to leave this place" he said as he lovingly smoothed the sand out with his fat little hands.
Its in his soul...afterall Morgan (my maiden name and his name) is Welsh for "Dweller by the Sea".

Remembering when

The Art Farm is missing me. I painted all day at the school again (blog under construction) and miss the lazy summer feel. Remembering the original dream, the farm, the family, the rogue and beautiful garden where weeds mingle with the intended like a tangled symphony of life , color, food and bugs. I'm getting too busy again...time to slow down and just be with the dream.

Art Mom

I love this entire concept of exploration and adventure in everyday living probably because that is how i tend to live my life!
I am also so curious about the mommy article...artists and mothers, creating and creation. I would love to add a blog about this...not the Martha Stewart perfect crafty childhood but more of a keeping it real platform for artistic moms. Its intense juggling all this creativity...i often feel as though i have a million kids, every little doodle and grandiose idea are all "kids" demanding my attention and yanking at my skirt. It can be quite challenging at times because guess what? The real live human kids always come first...even when the planets are all in line and your most amazing masterpiece yet is beckoning you into the studio. I hate that part.
A bit of advice: A wise woman once told me..."your talent will always be there for your whole life, your babies are only young once and need you, all of you."
Yes 3 are my living masterpieces that certainly require all of me!

xo milady

Walking About

Little Zoo series little Zoo Horse print

Esty is so addicting! I have found everything I love out there in this big world right on little ol' Esty.

  1. Fabric i've always dreamed existed.

  2. Giant plain market totes ready to embellish

  3. Handmade stud earrings for my daughter's freshly pierced ears.

  4. I spy-ish photography i'm discovering i LOVE.

  5. more ART

    xo milady

Where have you been?

i need a big cup of help probs, erased all files, lost all programs, couldn't email or nuthin for 9 days!

Its now mid July and all i can think about it NOT going on a long road trip.

My tummy is sad and my kids are testing the limits. THink i'll stick around here with the chickens and growing things. Besides, we're bringing home a baby horse soon.

Art on hold...just tinkering with Etsy product ideas and Color Crew murals at the school.

Realizing I am allergic to everything is occupying my every move. I need a manual.

what a boring post.

xo milady

Happy Independence Day!

My little Rosie
My "baby" Pearl

My beloved red truck

It is the 4th in the USA which means parades, patriotism, pie eating contests and red white and blue coordinating outfits for the family.

Here's what it looks like in my neck of the woods. I have to admit, when the Blue Angels fly through the crack of sky above our little mountain town and everyone cheers and the little old, old veterans with their purple hearts commence the festivities by waving from their homemade float ...i get a little teary. Small town America and old people. I love that stuff.
Have a fine weekend!
xo milady

Sweet Slumber Dreams

There is a place i seem to be longing for, a place i knew well but can't quite remember, a place where summer evenings lull me to sleep with the sound of dogs barking far away and birds chattering their sleeptime songs...its a place where children go to bed before it is dark and see- through curtains float with the breeze. I think this bed would be in this place.

xo milady

Wishing always matters

This artists' work flips my skirt all the way over the rainbow. Click on this link ( and have a look...she's amazing! She also has an etsy shop

Milady bows before her! I think I'm in love.

In A Time When Wishing Mattered
The Van Buren Children travelled at Night
Beth and Adeline at the edge of Poppy Field

Sheila Builds a Sandcastle

Sweet Serendipity

Little Monster by Cori Dantini

Striking Thought by Cori Dantini
I am hooked on Etsy. Its day 2 for me and i've already been chosen as someone's favorite!

Not just any someone but Cori D. from the first PikaPackage. I am so happy. What was so serendipitous was the fact I opened up Etsy to see the latest picks and noticed a most stunning blue bird image , went to it and accidentally clicked on this person's favorites and saw one of my pieces...i investigated some more to find that I have this lovely artist's site in my bookmarks. And then "poof" i got lost and couldn't find the bird or how i got to her page.

Crazy wonderful weirdly perfect universe!
Thanks Cori !

xo milady (
(I also stumbled upon another new fav thanks to her) Amanda Blake, wow. will share next but now its bedtime

July Pikapackage time!

Its that time again! the big PikaPackage reveal #2. I actually got it together for this one!
check it out I just opened my shop and am slowly adding new prints to the menu, it is so fun to wake up and see that someone has been peeking while i was sleeping!
When i saw my print on Pikaland's website my tummy did a little flip. AMY NG is some kind of art angel...she has been so wonderful to me! Thank You Amy! - xxoo milady

The Truth

The Truth of the Matter is i'm waking up. Waking up to myself as an artist, a dreamer, a creator, a tinker, a mother, a person with a chronic illness who still feels the future is laid out before her like a glistening yellow brick road but it ain't just me and my little dog too...its a whole bunch of people and animals and a life i've created that requires alot of me. Its all good, make no mistake, yet i find myself yearning for aimless me time more and more. It is in this dreamy doodle time that the big ideas emerge out of twisted ink and colored pencils. This time is golden and often robbed by all that must be done. This blog is my way of keeping the golden flame aglow.

xo milady