9 years ago

9 years ago i had a baby. a teeny tiny little baby who we named Roscoe after his great great great great. (add about a jillion of these)....grandfather from 13th century France, Roscoe de la Feld.
Roscoe of the Field.
We thought Rosabel was him. We waited and expected him . he travelled far and wide through the ages to get to us, only problem was, he was 4 months EARLY! He just didn't know he was soooo so teeny tiny.
we called him the "early bird special" when i finally woke up i got to meet him...it must've been the middle of the night, it was all dark except for a peaceful blue light and there under a shiny halo was my little perfect man....i put my hand on him and prayed.
i kept praying, refused to doubt, surrendered even when they cut him open and fixed his teeny tiny heart

and as each miracle revealed itself we kept on ...one tender hopeful unknowing step at a time
til he came home on his due date a fat little newborn who is now a brilliant, athletic, handsome, sensitive, wise, perfect son of mine.
Happy Birthday Roscoe of the Field!
xo milady


My girls, Rosabel and Blossom enjoying a snuggle on ....ahem ...the couch. This lamb- im telling you...exudes peace and love. She just does. I hope it lasts into her sheepness.
And then there's the blooms...the fresh bubbles of pink and cream...you have no idea how dear this is at this altitude.

The hummingbirds have arrived and have been buzzing around this pregnant lilac tree.

Gustav Klimt - just plain ol' pretty.

The view from my studio. Seriously.

More blooms to ogle at. I have never seen these. I absolutely love them.
Enjoy the Spring wherever you are!
xo milady

Funny Pictures

marc jacobs post-it drawings

Found a new (to me) illustrator whose simple diagrams of random thoughts really inspire me to doodle. There's something fresh and relieving about his drawings. I love the curt, precise, get - to - the - point - if there is one. If i spent half the time doing my own work instead of ogling others ...oh the places i'd go!

xo milady

sidetrack attractions

joseph cornell

max ernst

joseph cornell "I'm interested in spaces that exist within in our world, that are small worlds in themselves. They exist in the small corners of our houses, inside draws, books and matchboxes. They are under rocks, crocks of trees, in the envelope when your letter arrives or it could be the star pattern the seed made when you cut an apple in half. It is something that is hidden and fills you with wonder. It's another world within our world, and they can exist simultaneously. One can be an escape from the other. They are tiny, peaceful places, just like finding a quiet corner in an otherwise busy mind." written by a mysterious illustrator names Sally who I randomly found here while admiring the breathtaking work of Joseph Cornell while i was supposed to be looking for some good pics of Calder's Circus to print out for the art show tonight. Did i mention i have art triggered ADD? Ha!
xo milady

Blossom & Dot

Sheep milady in my etsy store
hello, i'm cute

are you my mother?

Rosie and Blossom

sweet little miss Dot

Meet my new love, BLOSSOM.

I recently had a birthday, April 16th to be exact. I felt old . It was a miserable snowy day and nothing about it felt unusually special. A friend left a message about some bum lambs that needed mothering. I had a naughty warm feeling in my heart...and said YES without even telling my husband. Next thing I knew, I was at a lambing shed looking at 1000's of sheep and as many newborn babies. Mr. Field, being a hardened sheep farmer, still had a softness in his way which made the sad bits a little easier. Life and Death. The lessons of farmlife. At the far end of the barn was a little lean -to with warm orange lights and dozens of little wooly newborns and a super nice lady with a baby bottle. Knowing I was coming, she picked a hopeful one out for me....may I introduce....BLOSSOM.

I will be documenting Blossom's progress with a Flickr because, well, i'm slighty obssessed with her. I actually took 2, Dot a teeny little twin who never really had a chance to nurse in the wee frigid hours after birth, stole my heart with her floppy bunny ears and single black dot on her side. I slept with her by my side all wrapped in towels. I held her all day in my lap - a riduculous late spring snowstorm had us housebound. Rosie and I watched the Boy in the Blue Pajamas...a quiet deeply sad movie about the holocaust, while Dot lamely swallowed drops of sheep formula from a syringe. I put her down for a short bit when she peacefully slipped away.

Of course, we all wept.

On a happy note, Miss Blossom is well, blossoming! She is smarter than a puppy and I am totally in love.
The nice farmer said, "you just don't know...some just don't have the will to live"

Blessings Miss Dot.

xo milady

Into the Blue

We picked up our piglets yesterday. Drove miles out across what seemed like the dried up bottom of a lake with mobile homes stranded on cinder blocks. Dirt, dust, more dust and then the pigs. I am still struggling with this whole deal, the committment to 4-H, the inevitable exit of my new farm friends...the dusty, nasty image of pig farming etcetera, etcetera.
Now that the 3 little pigs are here I am feeling a little better. You can't deny that they are CUTE and I guess its a good thing that they don't really like me. I am slowly learning how to let go of kissing everything and be a real farm girl who by the way is not a vegetarian - yet. Im getting so hard and rough that i've decided to raise a few turkeys and chickens too. Stay tuned , i may have ALOT of pets come fall.
UPDATE - they are starting to like me. uh oh.
xo milady

Spring cuteness

I've been working on a post about my blog travels to Italy & Sicily the past week and am having such troubles getting it to look right that i've given up. Instead, i'm sharing a little fun something i bought the other day...for $1.99 ... a Golden Book illustrated by Richard Scarry that i've never seen before. (impossible!) It is so cute it make me chuckle inside which is good cos its snowing again and im soooooooooooooooo ready for spring. My son helped me select the pages.

Chuckle chuckle!

xo milady

A little trip to the North

calder's circus
camilla engman

Elisabeth Dunker

Elisabeth Dunker

Camilla Engman

Elisabeth Dunker

Elisabeth Dunker

I went on a little cyber trip to Sweden this morning and found such delightful things. revisited Red House , Camilla Engman and my newest favorite, Fine Little Day about Elisabeth Dunken's family adventures when she's not designing and photographing (for work that is). Felt like i had lunch with lovely old people and wore my best clickity heels and fashionable hosiery. And wouldn't you know? Elisabeth and Camilla are collaborators and friends :) and are working on a circus themed creation just like me and my 4th graders at Ridgway Elementary! Studio Violet is their shared shop where their circus acts will soon be for sale. I can't wait to photograph my little friends' amazing creations when we install next month. My favorite? Probably Big Mama the red elephant and the motorcycle made out of a spark plug and bits of this and that. This is my third year doing Calder's Circus with a bunch of kids. I come into school with a big box of crap, give them a little talk about making something out of nothing that expresses your vision and then open the gates.... raw art.
Makin' art outa junk, surreptitiously travelling through cyber space and watching free movies on you tube...tis a sign of the times indeed.
Enjoy your life - its free.
xo milady

Busy Kitchen

"i want the grass to by flying by mom" says morgan as he sketched

Roscoe sketching the Hungry Fox

Birdy-Cow by Morgan

Horse Chase by Morgan Tate Rogers

The Hungry Fox by Roscoe Stone Rogers

Portrait of Lucky by Stephanie Morgan Rogers

The last few weeks have been crazy in my kitchen. I gave up trying to compartmentalize different activities in different rooms and invited it all into my main digs...the kitch. Accounting for 3 businesses took up one long table top while the table we're supposed to eat on was getting a new Jackson Pollack makeover from the little brothers as they created their masterpieces. The cat joined in by laying on and proceeding to eat important documents, while the dog stepped in blobs of paint and tracked it all over my stone floors. But Dad Gummit....look what we achieved!

I'm so proud of my little boy's BIG art. They really got into it...stood back and pondered, added a bit of this and a dab of that...until the magical moment of i'm-doneness made itself known.

I can't wait to take the show down and find homes for these on my walls...they are so awesome, some of the best folk art i've seen in a while. hmmmm(evil paw rubbing) maybe an etsy shop is in order? college funds? ok...maybe just a trip to the movies!

xo milady

Frustrated Artist Mom

In the last few days i've been on a few fieldtrips to bloglandia, commenting, oggling, searching and communing. Here are snapshots from one of my avorite getaways...the amazing D Sharpe's most excellent blog I am honored,truly.
Next a long schpeel about the setbacks and remedies for art blocks on Pikaland's coming VOICE IT OUT column. Here's what bubbled out of my head:
This is a GREAT addition to the wonderful world of Pikaland!

Q: What is your biggest stumbling block to creativity (or expressing yourself artistically), and what works for you in overcoming these setback(s)?

A: Well, now, where do i start?!
One of my main blocks is time management. i have alot of beings that depend on me from the second i wake up til the moment i lay my head down to sleep. I remember feeling like I had to choose an art life over a family life. I'm not naturally a super organized person but more of a dreaming fly by the seat of my pants type who does her best art in this mode however, as a big grown up with big grown up things to attend to, i feel like my day is swallowed by "duties" which requires tremendous energy and focus often leaving no time for selfless (or rather super selfish!) absorption into my "real work" which is always calling me. Now that my babies aren't cooing in the backround but rather needing rides across the state to go to sports events , i feel i never have the TIME to produce quality artwork. I doodle a bit here and there and hope for more time.
What to do? I am learning, as my family and their needs grow, that it imperative that i carve time for myself everyday to do something artistic. As i get closer to a show i naturally take the time i need because of the impending deadline but the family rythmn does suffer...everyone puts up with it and is glad when it is OVER..esp in the meal dept.
My blog is a way to committ to a snippet of artistic indulgence on a daily basis. I may not post an entry everyday but i do go there and check out my ever growing list of Esty loves and sites.Go on a little field trip to Pikaland :) Here's another time management issue...i can't stop!!! Following one link to another, excited by the visual sense of familiarity and adventure...is what keeps me going. Hence the COMMUNITY of artists all over the planet gives me the incentive to keep trying everyday to squeeze in my art.
In the grand scheme of things, I am simply taking a sabbatical, my children need me and i signed up for them, pledged my time the day they arrived. Once a wise lady told me..."your art will always be there, your children will be young for just a short time. You decide."
So, I suck at juggling all the bills and hopelessly unartistic and boring duties but make really awesome birthday cakes and host insane birthday parties, i volunteer in the school and bring in boxes of junk and get the kids to sculpt high wire acts out of corks and wire and tell them about Calder's Circus, point out the ever amazing shapes and shadows of the clouds and mountains, light and birds, patterns of hay and the way snow crystallizes on every tiny bare branch in the dead of winter.
So, as i transition into a more organized person who can guiltlessly report to her studio (her husband made for her) and be a "real" artist, I will keep flying by the seat of my pants and in the grand scheme of things, add YOGA to my routine, calm down, do the bills quickly so i can get back to LIVING, exploring, evolving and know that i am always doing my art even if it doesn't end up on canvas.


Stephanie Morgan Rogers

Peace be with You

its tough out there kids...the world is doing some adjusting. limber faith and deep sea diving into one's heart is the only way to get through it all and this is the lesson...the strength we modern souls have come to believe lie in the pillars of our empire are but shoddy in construction, they are crumbling and buckling and we run for cover, embarassed by our own ignorance with a keen awareness that life trumps matter. its all relative my friends and we're all connected. Peace be with You each and every one.
xo milady