April so far cont...

on the Art Farm, a large portion of it is spent inside. inside from the cold, inside my head...dreaming of images, creating and inventing.

As soon as the snow melts we venture outside
not with skis but horse trailers

excited and cautious of the ever fickle mountain weather we prepare the garden yet debate the planting

this year, however, the sun came early and blessed the ground with green and buds

the air promises us a long season as we look around and assess winter's damage .( there is always alot to be done!)

and get back in the rythmn of farm life .
piglets coming soon. :)
yee haw!
 on the Art Farm, life is busy. spring and summer bring me the most joy. for it is when my dreams in paint come to life.

farm art
xo milady

April so far

Its been a blur of a month! So much is happening but that means I am B U S Y!  So here are a few pics to illustrate some significant events of late.
Easter, the egg hunt in the Fairy Forest, little people's first egg, Me and Lambie's birthday and the ever so exciting and glittering highschool prom.

Hope you are all well and full of Spring energy!

xo milady

Drawing Challenge: Aquarius

Norwegian Creation Myth

pondering mythology

Unce upon a dream...

i sense winged beauties spiralling

from an
unknown source (pic)

Aquarius, blue, water and wisdom
I think of my mother
our Mother
and the infinite mystery

Its homework for a book project
a bit of a secret for now
but you will be seeing it more and more!
xo milady

Camp and Clogs

Isn't it strange and wonderful when
you have a thought about something
then find it on the web

I was looking for my beloved red clogs
getting ready to do some photos
with Blossom etc...
the clogs that make me feel like
I couldn't find them anywhere in my house
but i did find

what a woman!
8 kids and red clogs!

Dottie Angel's workshop by ACE camps 
Angela Ritchie of ACE camps is a genius! She gathers amazing artists all over the globe and creates workshops. I love her Pinterest too. Great finds of all kinds!
If I had a million dollars...(sing the song)

I'd go to every one. Just for fun. Cos, how often do you get to meet someone else on the planet who loves red clogs as much as I do?!

at least i know where my red truck is :)

xo milady

WINNER has been picked!

Its the afternoon of GIVEAWAY announcement - i almost forgot!

Had to do something special, how could I not?

After selecting delicious paper and penning each of your names...

I set out to find my assistant for the day

She was happily nibbbling the newly rakes greens

when I scattered the choices before her to see

She nosed and she nibbled then selected one for me...

and who is it?


Send me your address here

i have enjoyed the "conversation" with you.
xo milady

Last Call -Giveaway Tomorrow April 4th!

Thank you for lettting me see what you see
when i asked you to tell me
about my art
It has helped me narrow the scope
see the common thread that
define what i feel
in a collection of little black marks
called words.

Dancing lines

spiritual, dreamy

gentle, home, familiar


folk tale, old world

You still have time to enter the GIVEAWAY! Lucky for you I am in the US hours behind!
For the gift of your comments, a handmade necklace can be yours!

with much gratitude,


Spring Gold Crown: Fabaceae Parkinsonia Microphyllum: Yellow.. Royalty Free Stock Photo, Pictures, Images And Stock Photography. Image 381239.

Spring Gold Crown: Fabaceae Parkinsonia Microphyllum: Yellow.. Royalty Free Stock Photo, Pictures, Images And Stock Photography. Image 381239.

Arizona Trees in Glory

hello friends,
thank you all for playing my little game. it helps tremendously! and i appreciate your, in particular, thoughts!
i was unable to scan last week  so i couldn't partake in the challenge. I will try to pop in a few times.

i am in the desert. its spring break. we up in the cold dark mountains come down for a glimpse of leaves and a lung full of fragrant blossoms. it is warm. we are relaxing while the car goes to get that screeching noise taken care of...:/

with the light falls the shadow



Long overdue...and a big Thank You!

To Hi Happy Panda's Rachel, for taking the time to gush her gratitude for winning my Suprise Giveaway way back in November.  Rachel is one amazing photographer, mama documentary artist of life's adventures....you know, the kind of adventures peeking in windows, looking up in trees, exploring places and meeting people.  Her blog takes me travelling - just the way I like it, down the road less travelled.
She and her family are a delight and I am so happy she loves her prize.

BTW if you ever wonder where i've disappered to or would like to see wht makes milady tick...i am most likely feeding my soul on Pinterest
It is the greatest invention ever! I will never need a magazine again. Visual salvation. love it!

xo milady

Drawing Challenge: Blanket

Handmade quilts by my grandmother's grandpeople.

restoration hardware - but you get the idea :)

Makes me think of moms and babies,
Of grandmas and hand stitched gatherings
Of ladies around a big table,
Chatting and assembling
The scraps and memories of fabric worked to the bone.

We have alot of faux fuzzy lamby blankets around the house.
We buy them at the store.
But they are warm and cozy and make you look like a giant teddy bear
in soft browns and creams.

Good thing too because it is still freezing here. A fresh blanket of snow the last few days.Christmas like.
We live under piles of blankets to read a book, watch a movie, and I wrap one around my neck like a shawl like some old woman from a nursey rhyme as I walk from one end of the house to the other.

I didn't draw but let my great grand ladies speak for me with their beautiful stitches and floral remnants.
I am lucky to have what's left of them.

For more blankets visit the adorable quilt covered Greta for more!

xo milady

Monogram : Drawing Challenge

Ink, i.d., initials
What's in a name?
I've been pondering a name change.
But I love my "smr" logo.
Lots of artists just use their name, so i just plucked out one of them.
So many of you have come to know me as "milady" - and that would never change.
But i need a cohesive i.d. Something that umbrellas all I do.
what do you think?
Morgan, ink.
besides, M's are the funnest to pen with ink.
I look forward to your thoughts on this matter!!!!!

Patrice A. is our hostess this week.See her Monogram flourish before your eyes!

xo milady

Drawing Challenge: Butterfly

 Butterflies Flutterby

1. Once upon a time there lived a giant Butterly who was made of Golden Sun and Blue Sky.
2.There lived also a man who was happy most of the time which made him colorful.
3.The Giant Butterfly had 3 little children and their followed their mother everywhere.
4. One day, they flew by the man who was only feeling his blue color.  Their magic was so powerful their wings sucked all the color out of him.
5. The mother saw all the colors rising otwards her and was happy.
6. The man , however, was not.

7.The man became so mad that his color was stolen that dark clouds began to gather and droop all around him.
8. After a long while he gave up and fell down in hopelessness.
9. /10. At that moment when the man was most hopeless, his cry for help burst through the clouds.
11. The Giant Butterfly and her children's colors made the black cloud go away while following her flight back to the man below.

 And they all lived colorfully ever after!
Flying, winged, hope and magic...I never tire of these images! Today, Morgan and I made a cartoon while being lazy in bed. It's Sunday afterall! Perhaps Monday by now at Nadine's across the world from me. Be sure to visit her amazing shop while you flying over the land of Tiny Woolf!
 Oh well, I always say...better late than never!

xo milady

Saturday Smile

fake cake

cut outs                        Just a few things that make me smile this saturday morning.
                                                        xo milady

Tea Time A drawing Challenge

 I desire a large cup of tea....

unknown source

lovely earl grey tea  
with its fragrant bits of Bergamot and Lavender and a little splash of cream...mmmmmm

I should like to sip it here while i wait for company....

tash tudor
such as dear Tasha Tudor
And a flamboyant mad man in plaids and tweed

and whoever else wanted to come....
                           and share a cuppa
share their thoughts
on what inspires them.

 I am already there! With all these dear inspirations seated at Ariane's Table...please come!

Amber Alexander